Priliminary schedule
- 8.45-9.15 Resigtration
- 9.15-9.30 Welcome and introduction from workshop co‐ordinator
- 9.30-10.30 Keynote Paper 1 Simon Borg
- 10:40-11:00 Regular Paper 1 Li Ji 'East Meets West: Teacher Cognition in a Changing Education Climate'
- 11:00-11:20 Regular Paper 2 Dangeni 'An Investigation of Chinese TESOL Learners’ Experience of Learning Engagement and Conceptual Change at UK Universities'
- 11:20-11:40 Coffee break
- 11:40-12:00 Regular Paper 3 Coralie Clerc'Researching teachers’ beliefs in a context of change : methodological implications'
- 12:00-12:20 Regular Paper 4 Kayoko Mayumi 'Transition of Teacher Beliefs after a Year Abroad'
- 12:20-12:40 Regular Paper 5 Dr Damian Fitzpatrick 'Making sense of the English language policy in Thailand: An exploration of teachers' practices and dispositions'
- 12:40-13:00 Group discussion of the papers in the morning
- 13:00 -14:00 Lunch
- 14:00 -15:00 Kenote Paper 2
- 15:00-15:20 Regula Paper 6 Susan Sheehan Sonia Munro 'Teacher cognition and assessment practices'
- 15:20-15:40 Regula Paper 7 Chen Mei 'Teacher emotion in the context of educational reform'
- 15:40-16:00 Regula Paper 8 Smaragda Kampouri 'Relationships between Subject Content Knowledge and teaching Practice: A Study of two EALP teachers on a UK law pre-sessional course'
- 16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
- 16:20-16:40 Regula Paper 9 Paul Berge 'Teacher cognition in CLIL: Evaluating a research design'
- 16:40-17:00 Regula Paper 10 Yonghua Wang 'Beliefs about English learning and teaching of Chinese student teachers after MA in TESOL in the UK'
- 17:00-17:30 Group discussion and closure
- 18:00 Group dinner (optional)
A full detailed programme will be provided on 18 Jan.